What Others Say
“I met Lin first when she was my Diploma student at Austrian Wine Academy. She had then very little wine knowledge and tasting experience, but I have never met another person with so much focus and such a steep learning curve in wine in my 30 years in international wine education. She never stopped in her desire for perfection and sailed through Diploma and later on through the MW qualifications.”

Lin Liu is a talented young Chinese lady, who surprised me with her understanding of not only theory but also practices. This is so rare today among the prescribers. She knows how to read a vine, judge the winemaking installations and the cellar, analyse a wine before judging it and not be satisfied with an opinion. She will be of great service to the world of wine.

“Lin Liu MW is a sensitive and intelligent taster who can quickly see her way to understanding both the nature and appeal of a wine and put that wine into its context within the larger wine world. She is familiar with the definitions of quality in every segment of the market, from entry-level wines through to fine wines. Her gastronomic expertise enables her to assess both the potential role of a wine in relation to food partners, as well as to gauge one of the most important yet difficult aspects of wine assessment: drinkability. I am always happy to taste with Lin, and I have great respect for her judgments.”

“I first met Lin Liu on our Master of Wine journeys. Most students are in over their heads at this level, but it was immediately clear to me that she had all the skills needed to sail through the examinations. She has theoretical knowledge, practical experience in both vineyards and cellars as well as a keen palate, fine memory and the ability to express herself well. That she was able to do all this a foreign language only added to my admiration. If she lived nearer, she would certainly be a permanent fixture on our tasting panels.”

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